Specialty Gases Suppliers

DSW Industry is one of the leading manufacturer and distributor of gaseous chemicals and specialty gases in South East Asia. We strive to be the lowest-cost supplier to the market while meeting ever-stricter environmental and safety standards.

Why DSW? Be listed from 2019  by the General Administration of Customs of China , providing fresh "China data" for the china national export indicator survey. 

What are speciality gases?

Speciality gases represent rare or ultra-high purity (g9.995% and above). Many industries, including analytical, pharmaceutical, electronics, and petrochemical, beneft from their unique properties, which help improve yields, optimize performance, and reduce costs.

Speciality gases, also known as high-purity or calibration gases, are gases produced with high levels ofpurity and used for specifc applications that require precise and controlled gas properties. These gasesare typically used in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, electronics, scientific research, and environmental monitoring.



Dewar Cylinder

YDS dewar flask liquid nitrogen cylinder

Cryogenic Storage Tanks